

The advantages and disadvantages of common cat litter are analyzed, and the expensive price is not necessarily the best, and the key is to absorb and deodorize

Cat litter is the most consumed item in the process of raising cats. Cats are accustomed to using cat litter to go to the toilet, and a cat with comfortable cat litter can ensure that cats will not urinate indiscriminately, and it will not cause a bad smell at home.

There are many varieties of cat litter on the market now, and all kinds of gimmicks make the shovel officer picky. So what kind of cat litter is the best? How different is there between each type of cat litter? Today, I will talk to you about the advantages and disadvantages of cat litter - expensive is not necessarily the best, and odor absorption and deodorization are the key.

The most odorous and deodorizing cat litter - bentonite

Bentonite is one of the best cat litters I've ever used. Bentonite clay has a very good deodorizing and odor-absorbing effect, and with it, it is absolutely rare to smell unpleasant odors in the home. And bentonite is cheap, so it's the first choice for a multi-cat family like mine. Of course, bentonite cat litter also has some drawbacks, such as their relatively small particles, so the particles are easy to be taken out by cats. When using bentonite cat litter, it is recommended to use a "side-in, up-out" cat litter box, so that you can minimize the amount brought out. The "side-in, up-out" cat litter box also solves the problem of large dust of bentonite cat litter, and is the best match for using bentonite cat litter.

Clean and environmentally friendly cat litter - tofu litter

Tofu cat litter is made from tofu residue or corn residue, which is clean and environmentally friendly, less dusty, and has a fresher taste. Although the deodorization and clumping effect is not as good as bentonite cat litter, the effect is still acceptable. If the family is a family with few cats, using tofu cat litter is the best choice. They can be flushed directly into the toilet, which is simple and environmentally friendly. However, tofu cat litter is not the most perfect, if it is used in humid areas in the south, the service life of tofu cat litter will be very short, it is easy to get moldy and damp, and it may have just started to use it, and a large number of bacteria have already grown.

The most money-saving cat litter - pine cat litter

The amount of pine cat litter is very economical, and many catteries will choose this cat litter. This kind of cat litter needs to be paired with a double litter box, with a small amount of pine cat litter on the upper layer and a urine pad on the lower layer. The cat's poop is isolated in the upper layer, and the cat's urine will seep directly into the lower urine pad. Pine cat litter does not need to clump like the two cat litters just mentioned, it is powdered cat litter. Although pine cat litter uses a urine pad, it is very cost-effective overall. The disadvantage of pine cat litter is that cats don't like to use it, and the wrapping of poop is not good, and it is easy to hide the smell.

The most indescribable cat litter - crystal cat litter

Although the name of this cat litter is good, it is really hard to describe when it is actually used. Although the crystal cat litter will be relatively clean when you start using it, it won't take long to find that the smell of using this cat litter is too great. First of all, crystal cat litter can't wrap around the poop, which causes them to deodorize very poorly. In addition, the particles of transparent crystal cat litter will be very smelly after absorbing a large amount of cat urine, and it should be very diligent to replace it. However, if the price of crystal cat litter is calculated, if it is really changed so diligently, even less cat families will not be able to accept it. With this money, it is better to buy a few more canned food for the cat. And, most importantly, crystal cat litter is easy to be eaten by cats and is very unsafe.

There are also some special cat litter, such as paper cat litter, cat litter with detection of urethral diseases, cat litter for automatic cat litter boxes, etc., you can choose to buy if conditions permit.